What is CTE?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) incorporates rigorous and challenging academic content standards and provides a sequence of courses leading to an industry-recognized credential or certificate in addition to the student’s high school diploma by

Empowering students for effective participation in an international economy as world-class workers and citizens;
Teaching students the high demand skills needed to get a job, to cross-train for different positions, or retrain for a new career; and
Preparing students for more than a good-paying job – it serves as the beginning of a career path.

Students can obtain college credits (up to 11) while attending high school. The credits can be applied when a student successfully graduates from high school and enters college.

These career tracks are a three-year program that begins in the tenth grade and consists of a minimum of 360 instructional hours per year.


Notice of Non-Discrimination:
The School District of Philadelphia, an equal opportunity employer, does not discriminate in employment or education programs or activities, based on age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, disability, religious creed, ancestry, national origin or Vietnam-era or any other veteran status, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.  Career and Technical Education program offerings include: Agriculture, Automotive/Transportation/Logistics, Business/Finance/Marketing, Communications/Graphics, Construction/Manufacturing, Culinary Arts/Hospitality, Cosmetology/Barbering, Fashion Design, Healthcare, and Information Technology.  Publication of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  Inquiries regarding this policy of non-discrimination may be directed to the General Counsel, at 440 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA  19130, or (215) 400-4120.