Faculty & Staff
Administrative Team
Dr. Jose Lebron, Principal
Mrs. Jamie Clark, Assistant Principal
Ms. Ghaniya Bolon, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kristine Hershman, Climate Manager
Ms. Bridgett Jackson, Climate Manager
You may contact any staff member via email or by calling the school office at (215) 400-7700.
Name | Phone # | Location | Position Title/Area | |
12+ Joyce Li (manager) | 2110 | 211 | College and Career Readiness Manager | jli@12plus.org |
Angelucci, Trevor | 1170 | 117 | English 1 | tcangelucci@philasd.org |
Baker, Elizabeth | 2150 | 215 | ESOL push-in support | ebaker@philasd.org |
Belser, Amin | 4100 | Building Engineer | ||
Bley, Jacob | 1090 | 109 | LS - 9th Math | jbley@philasd.org |
Bolon, Ghaniya | 3190 | 319 | Assistant Principal, 11-12 | kbarneycheney@philasd.org |
Bozzuto, Dan | 3020 | 302 | Chemistry | dbozzuto@philasd.org |
Burton, Jakeema | 2070 | 207 | AS | burton@philasd.org |
Cafeteria Manager Sherri Mitchell-Traore | 4090 | Cafeteria | Cafeteria Manager | Fapearson@philasd.org |
Caraco, Beth | 3100 | 310 | Art | bgordon@philasd.org |
Casali, Veronica | 2020 | 202 | Spanish I & II | vcasali@philasd.org |
Cialone, Amber | 3050 | 305 | English 2 | acialone@philasd.org |
Cichminski, Derek | 3150 | 315 | English 2 | decichminski@philasd.org |
City Year Aaron Cook | 1070 | 107 | City Year Impact Manager | acook1@cityyear.org |
Clark, Jamie | 1100 | 110 | Assistant Principal, 9-10 | jalclark@philasd.org |
Cranston, John | 1150 | 115 | World History | jcranston@philasd.org |
Cruz, Eric | 3160/3170 | 316/317 | CTE - Engineering | ejcruz@philasd.org |
Deppenschmidt, Kris Migdalia Perez (CA) | 4001 | 1 | Autistic Support (AS) Team Leader | kldeppenschmidt@philasd.org miperez@philasd.org |
Decker, Paula | LS: Math | pdecker@philasd.org | ||
DeJesus, Melissa | 3230 | 323 | Climate | mdejesus@philasd.org |
Deptola, Mallory | 1140 | 224 | Spanish I | mdeptola@philasd.org |
Devitt, Jeffrey Alma Xhepaj (CA) | 2050 | 205 | AS | jdevitt@philasd.org axhepaj@philasd.org |
ELECT Madison, Rachael | 3060 | 306 | Pregnancy Support | madisonr@congreso.net |
Erickson, Victoria | 3010 | 301 | Biology | verickson@philasd.org |
Fedorka, Ally | 2210 | 221 | SPECM (Special Education Compliance Monitor) | afedorka@philasd.org |
Maribel Rodriguez (CA) | mrodriguez@philasd.org | |||
Ferreira, Licinio | 2040 | 204 | ELL Lead | lmferreira@philasd.org |
Furgeson, Alex | 1110 | 111 | Env. Science |
Gil, Lorna | 0090 | 009 | SISL | lgil@philasd.org |
Gonzalez, Elvis | 2000 | 200 | Geometry | elgonzalez@philasd.org |
3rd Floor Lounge | 3200 | 320 | Teachers’ Lounge | |
Hall, Sharon | 4050 | 5 | AS | shall@philasd.org |
Hart, Jennifer | 2120 | 202 | Counselor | jhart2@philasd.org |
Heiser, Ryan | 2060 | 206 | AS | rheiser@philasd.org |
Hershman, Kristine | 4080 | 10 | Climate Manager | khershman@philasd.org |
Hirsch, Brendan | 3000 | 300 | HPE | bhirsch@philasd.org |
Jackson, Bridgett | 1040 | 104 | Climate Manager | bjackson@philasd.org |
Landi, John | 2230 | 223 | Roster Chair | jalandi@philasd.org |
Lebrón, José | 1034 | Principal | jlebron@philasd.org | |
Library | 3030 | Student Library | ||
Lockhart, Shanelle | 2160/2170 | 216/217 | CTE – Computer Technology | sdlockhart@philasd.org |
Loftus, Carmen | 2210 | 221 | BCA | cquinones@philasd.org |
Marrero, Carmen | 2210 | 221 | School psychologist | cmarrero@philasd.org |
May, Colleen | 2011 | 201A | School Nurse | cmay@philasd.org |
Mazzella, Giulia | 1180 | 118 | English I | gmazzella@philasd.org |
Mazzeo, Santo | 1080 | 108 | Algebra I | smazzeo@philasd.org |
McDowell, Dan | 1090 | 109 | Algebra I | dmcdowell@philasd.org |
McNeal, Harry | WALKIE | Building Engin Asst | hmcneal@philasd.org | |
Mercado, Evelyn | 1001 | Main Office | School Secretary | emercado@philasd.org |
Newman, Arthur | 2140 | 214 | US History/ African American History | arnewman@philasd.org |
Niedosik, Megan | 3140 | 314 | Algebra II | mbmcconnell@philasd.org |
Niedosik, Nick | 1120 | 112 | Dean of Students | nlniedosik@philasd.org |
Pawlowski, Michelle | 3110 | 311 | SPED/ES | mpawlowski@philasd.org |
PLC Room | 3040 | 304 | PLC ROOM | |
Richardson, Shelby-Lyn | 2080 | 208 | CTE – Marketing/PFT Building Rep | slrichardson@philasd.org |
Ring, Robert | 1120 | 112 | Dean of Students | rsring@philasd.org |
Rios, Mickey | 1002 | Main Office | School Secretary | mrios@philasd.org |
Schear, Amanda | 3041 | 304 | SBTL - ELA | aschear@philasd.org |
Skovronski, Jason | 3180 | 318 | Social Science/Economics | jpskovronski@philasd.org |
Smith, Caitlin Lovett-Hall, Annie (CA) | 4030 | 3 | AS | csmith3@philasd.org alovetthall@philasd.org |
Smoyer, Jarrett | 1050 | 105 | HPE | jmsmoyer@philasd.org |
Toledo, Juan | 2030 | 203 | ESOL | jtoledo@philasd.org |
Torres, Elizabeth | Classroom Assistant | etorres2@philasd.org | ||
Vaden, Elizabeth | 2090 | 209 | STEP Clinical Coordinator | lvaden@philasd.org |
Valdez, Sarah | 3120 | 312 | SBTL - Math/Testing Coordinator | savaldez@philasd.org |
Vinski, Bryan | 1060 | 106 | Speech & Language Pathologist | bvinski@philasd.org |
Elizabeth Winter | 2120 | 212 | Counselor | ewinter@philasd.org |
Wisniewski, David | Vocational Itinerant | dwisniewski@philasd.org | ||
Worrell, Karen | 1180 | 118 | LS - ELA | kworrell@philasd.org |
Zeller, Amy | 3202 | 2 | AS | azeller@philasd.org |
Zubroff, Sara | 3070 | 307 | English 3/4 Senior Project coordinator | szubroff@philasd.org |
School Police | ||||
Tychel Pindle | 1200 | School Police Sergeant | tpindle@philasd.org | |
Desmond Ellis | entrance | School Police officer | ddellis@philasd.org | |
Michelle Thomas | 2nd floor School | School Police officer | micthomas@philasd.org | |
Samuel Maldonado | School Police officer | smaldonado@philasd.org |